Lunar Cycle (April 1-29, 2018) #1-29
Lunar Cycle (April 1-29, 2018) #1-29, 2018
Black ballpoint ink on newspaper
(The United Evening News, Taïwan / 聯合晚報)
Each 55 × 32 cm
A long horizontal line stretches along a wall. It comprises 29 drawings done in black ballpoint ink on the front pages of the April 1–29, 2018 editions of the local newspaper (The United Evening News, Taïwan / 聯合晚報), published in Taïwan. The artist has depicted the phases of the moon corresponding to the publication dates: from waxing to full to waning to new. Does the lunar cycle influence the evolution of the world? As the pages are inked over, the news gradually disappears, leaving only bits of text visible. A natural phenomenon capable of measuring time and affecting the tides, symbolizing temporal repetition and the cyclical nature of life, the moon merges with the interrupted flow of daily events.
Performance views, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018

Performance views, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018