The Mediterranean Sea as a Suspended Territory
The Mediterranean Sea as a Suspended Territory, 2017
2 gold earrings, each 3.3×7.5 cm, time, daily performance
Presentation variable
During the exhibition Tigers in Flip-Flops, in 2017 at Galleria Massimodeluca in Mestre-Venice, Italy, these gold wire earrings symbolizing the Mediterranean Sea were worn by the gallery director whenever she was on site. They allude to the inextricable network of relationships – cultural, economic, social – that link the peoples of the Mediterranean, yet have been largely ignored in recent geopolitical events. The work stands as both a warning and a hope for change. When the director was away from the gallery, the earrings were displayed as if to underscore a physical absence.
Performance views, Galleria Massimodeluca, Mestre-Venice, Italy, 2017

Performance views, Galleria Massimodeluca, Mestre-Venice, Italy, 2017