Still a Blind Light in an Endless Night


Still a Blind Light in an Endless Night, 2016
Poem, black slate paint on wall, chalk, time (50 days), daily performance

In 2016, for Still a Blind Light in an Endless Night at the Grey Noise Gallery in Dubai, the poem was presented to the public via press release; in the exhibition space, the gallerist chalked a new line each day on a wall con­ verted to a blackboard for the occasion. In exploring poetry writing and thresholds of language in fleeting, temporal form in solo and group exhibitions, the artist developed a series of actions that use writing as a daily link to the indoor or outdoor space where they are performed. The length of each poem is defined by the length of the exhibition: the text, equal in lines to the number of days, is disclosed in fragments. The action is repeated each day but is never the same; it becomes a ritual and invites new ways of celebrating the quotid­ ian. This simple gesture, which materializes differently in each setting, is a measure of the passing of time that reveals, through the appearance and disappearance of words, a sense of poetic rebellion against the instability of the present.

  • I.
  • II.
  • III.
  • IV.
  • V.

    Installation views, Grey Noise Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2016

Installation views, Grey Noise Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2016